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The Wealth Chef Ann Wilsons’ 30-day Money Makeover continues

Day 6

I’ve learnt about a “key” goal, so hearing about “domino” goal in a wealth cooking class tempted me to draw this version of dominos.. We have a stuffed cookie like Oreo in Finland that is called Domino. So finding your domino goal could feel like finding the one cookie with the filling among all the rest of the cookies!


Day 7

Ah, now I hit my first wall.. Making a promise that feels like moving mountains, well the Universe actually.. I dived deep in that feeling and this is what I found out. It’s all about the perspective once again!


Day 8

My big question lately has been about turning what you already have, be and do into something more. A huge lesson in life in the past years for me has been to focus on what I have and not dig the past or worry about the future all the time. But there’s something really interesting in human behavior of not being satisfied with what you got, but wanting more. I think that leads to all the lessons we can learn. And day 8 exercise helped me to realize how it can be possible to move on but still love the now. This is my conclusion:


Day 9

I love to hear the words: “It’s actually quite simple!” because life is! Love is! Our ego wants to make analysis and research things, it has wanted to build our money world into a system of all kinds of weird words that only few understand. I love to hear that this too can be simple. I love, love, love it!


Day 10

On day 10 the Wealth Chef Ann introduced us four different Money Cooks.. I started wondering how the Money must feel in the hands and cookings of each of them:


Ann Wilson The Wealth Chef of course explains these in more detail and is awesome at it. Join her Money Makeover and experience it yourself and let these doodles help you like they help me!