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About six months ago I begun a three minute daily practice every morning, doing it the first thing when I wake up. I still continue it and wanted to come back here with more interesting results and benefits to tell you!

I like to make these experiments with my life, and if they carry fruit – I continue, if not – I stop doing it. This time I hit a gold mine!

My daily practice with my body

I begin my day with touching my body in every part. That simple. No other rules.

How easy it is..

The idea behind this practice is to welcome your soul back into your body the first thing in the morning. It is a wonderful concept but of course it isn’t that conscious every morning. I sometimes just do it, without thinking, with just repeating the movements with my hands, sometimes I talk with my husband at the same time, sometimes I already think everything that is coming up that day. I’ve noticed IT DOESN’T MATTER!! You just need your hands to DO it. Like brushing your teeth has it’s long term goal the same applies to this. It is enough to just do it. No need for fancy thoughts or chants. Just do it.

And what has changed in my life?

  • I feel like my body is a palace for my soul to thrive in – An amazing instrument. I love it, I want to treat it well.
  • During the day I find myself touching some parts, like my tummy, just to get connected to my best friend.
  • I feel like I’m my best friend. I know this body now, every part of it. It’s my friend and I treat her like that.
  • Inspired by this I’ve now welcomed in another daily practice – three yoga Sun Salutations every day. And I have the same relaxed feeling about doing it.
  • Every part of my body feels as valuable to me as the other parts. There isn’t inequality in me.
  • Giving my feet, palms of my hands and ears a good rub balances my body. And I also like the idea that giving my breasts tender attention balances my hormones. Some parts do have more health benefits to be enjoyed with with a daily care.
  • Massaging my face daily has made my complexion better and those pimples that I used to have are gone or appear more seldom.

And this all has taken me only three minutes every morning!!

What is your daily practice like with your body?
How has it changed your life?