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I saw this as a dream one morning right before I woke up. I love these kinda dreams where I explain stuff seriously and they are quite right in the end – but somehow weird anyway.

My book “Color Your Dreams True” works great on that first fragile state of your dream and leads you gently and lovingly to the action part.

The ego may rise its voice during the coloring, but I dare you to trust the answers that come to you and just keep on coloring! You can do this! And after you are done with the book you will have a lovely reminder of the ansewrs that keep you on the path toward your dream and you can always return to it when in doubt about it.

Sometimes when we are on that fragile phase we also hear negativity from other people about our dream. It is good to keep it to ourselves or only share it with people who encourage and support us with our dream 100 %. We won’t need our ego’s voice magnified by them!

Lol, and if your wine glass is filled with something that makes you drown in it, you might not have any possibility to explore your dream further..

But keep on going because eventually our dreams turn into reality and the whole wineglass ceases to exist.