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Mira(cle)doodles - Elina Puohiniemi

I just finished my Go to Bed Early for 30 Nights Challenge that I took by myself, just to see what would happen..

It was amazing!

I took it with a relaxed mindset. I had some help from a sleep coach who helped me realize there is something as beautiful as “Sleep Confidence” Wow!

I did count the hours though and this is where I ended up:

I slept more than eight hours on 23 nights out of 30. Only on five nights did I go sleep after midnight and half of the nights I slept soundly the whole night. I think I also found the perfect sleep cycle for myself. It’s not the ideal for a mother but I can adjust it quite easily after all.

The most rewarding thing about sleeping a lot (like 236 hours out of 720) was that many of my problems seemed to shrink and then disappear.

Mira(cle)Doodles - Elina Puohiniemi

I got more courage and dared to take risks.. That paid off in more clarity, bigger dreams and new opportunities. Yay!

I can warmly recommend to test this yourself – Go to bed early for 30 nights in a row and see what happens!

P.S. I will definitely continue this one! It’s awesome to find lifestyle changes that reward you big time! Others have been a daily yoga practice, the sufi mystic’s morning routine and Konmaring through my stuff. These all have stayed in my life and keep on teaching me beautiful lessons day after day.