My new book Through the Thought Clouds now available for pre-order


Second gift – Finding a Tribe

February brought me a gift of belonging to a group. This year begun with finding Kate Northrup’s fb group Money a Love Story. We did a three week #MoneyLoveChallenge together and it was amazing! The group was so loving, positive, supportive and respectful – I learned then that anything else is unnecessary. Nourishing the good in each other is enough!

After that experience I founded my own group Mira(cle)Doodles and I am so happy it is the same. I love how we all behave there although world can be a rough place sometimes – We are able to bring love present and let us believe day by day more in it and how love supports us every step we take.

Later this year I found yet another group – Konmari Adventures – for support of going through a decluttering process designed by Marie Kondo. That group was again the same. Joy sparking love and support!

One of my tribes is kids. With them I always feel this – Love. And I feel blessed that there have always been little kids around me through work, family or friends.

Our tribe doesn’t need to be bigger than a good friend or our spouse or family, but it sure feels good to hear and see and connect to likeminded people globally through social media – We are living beautiful times here on this planet!

Basking in the light of a loving group is so very important!

I would love to hear:
What was your gift in February?