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YAY! WE DID IT!! Time to Celebrate!!

This is the 365th doodle I post this year!

Where did I got the whole idea of doodleing 365 doodles..

At the end of last year I heard about an artist who made daily sketches for 365 days and created art the next year based on those 365 sketches. It sounded very inspiring!

In January 2015 I decided that I doodle for one year – just for fun – and then in January 2016 I’d look them through and consider them as sketches for my next adventure.

But it wasn’t an easy decision to be made – it felt SO BIG!

I was so afraid! I didn’t trust I could do it. I felt so small.

And my ego was having good arguments (See how tired he is now in the doodle.. He has been having a rough year..)

When I participated in Kate Northrup’s ‪#‎Moneylovechallenge‬ in January, I realized that’d be 21 days of doodleing and after that I could decide if I’ll trust myself to commit in publishing my doodles daily.

I got showered with support and compliments for my doodles in her facebook group and that opened my heart. I felt more confident after that. I am forever grateful for everyone in the group for the support! And all the other support I’ve received during the year from my own Mira(cle)Doodles Facebook group and everywhere else has been priceless!

So this is not even the end of the year and I’ve reached my goal. I haven’t published daily, because I didn’t force myself to draw or life just happened, but some days I’ve published many doodles at a time. Because they just flood out of my pen.

I couldn’t have made this without you!

Sometimes it takes a whole village to shut the ego’s mouth and take the steps.

Thank you so much!

And I promise – This adventure will continue!

All the 365 posts can be found in my old blog.