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This is the final week of the Meditation Experience “Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life” by Deepak Chopra and Oprah that I’m doodling through.

Day 15




Day 16


This is something I’ve felt lifting me up sooooo many times, my heart is filled with gratitude for it – for all of you, supporting me, thank you so much!

Today’s meditation made me appreciate so much for those moments too that I’ve had the privilege to lift someone else up and help spread their wings – Maybe there’s a lot more of that coming up for me too! Want to join?

Day 17


Do you ever retreat to your own bubble when facing a problem?

The problems our ego arranges for us easily create a separation from the world and leave us feeling alone in it. Like in a bubble.

I love that this picture of ego filling Mira’s bubble up came to me.

It’s a good example of a comfort zone too. Our probelms and things we are struggling with might even be comfortable in their familiarity.

Imagine a world filled with fresh air and sunshine!

Day 18


Expanding other people’s awareness is quite a tricky topic I think, but this meditation summed it up so beautifully! It’s all about our own expanded awareness to let others be themselves, then they won’t feel forced to change, they have the opportunity to look around and observe the change you’ve gone through. Then there’s room for change, if they so choose. And still they have their own path to walk and own burdens and story to shed. Let’s be kind to each other.

Day 19


In this doodle you can see the setting of a disagreement which Mira seeks to resolve with love. There’s a wall in the way of where they wanted to be. Mira seems to stand on Sandy’s way. Sandy’s ego is aroused and checking out if everything is safe. Sandy doesn’t remember to call for love. Mira is open, ready to listen, offering a creative space with the opportunity to expand. Her heart already knows there’s a key available.

But it takes two to unlock the door. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to stand in Mira’s place, serving Sandy and giving her what she needs. And eventually, that place where they’ll end up together looks like a paradise.

These kinda doodles teach me so much! They sometimes even pop up in my mind when I mostly would need them.. And those other times.. the door stays locked. Oops..

Day 20


Mira just started to play around, can you see her spin around cutely there next. Although she highlights here how easily we start shaping the externals before we like to look inside, she still loves to have fun around this serious matter. Joy is our essence! Everything happens in divine timing.


Our ego would love to make a plan here.. And probably get an insurance for that shine too.. But remember that everything is alright! You have such a magnificence inside you! Let it shine and have fun!

Day 21


This was such an awesome journey once again! Thank you so much for spending this time with me and Mira! I hope you had as many insights and as much fun as I did!

You can see all the five latest Meditation Experiences doodled through the easiest in my pinterest board made for them..

All the doodles were posted daily in my instagram – Join me there for more!