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Creates Illustrations & Books

Creates Illustrations & Books

Miracles With Horses (& Your Mind)

Written & Illustrated by elinap

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

I spent a day with my inner child and horses yesterday. It was a course offered by Katri Syvärinen and the horse listener Nona Seppä.

It was an amazing experience!

We connected with our inner children and what was most important for me was to be with horses and face the long history I’ve had with them long time ago.

Nona introduced me the way to be with them that I was looking for but couldn’t find completely 30 years ago. We just sat there. The horses just were there, doing their thing. There was the opportunity to interact. And mostly it was done in deeper levels than what I had assumed. There was no need to force anything, no need to touch. These magnificent creatures offered their healing energy and that was enough.

I couldn’t help thinking how I use a horse as the symbol for our mind in the Mira(cle)Doodles. How important it is to let our mind be. Just be. Relax. Undo the stress. It is healing to accept our mind as it is – a magnificent, beautiful part of us.

And the healing happened as I just let it be. Relaxed and let go of all expectations. It was wonderful to experience the connection, even my bunnies at home felt the difference.. This morning as I was doing my morning yoga the other one climbed on my back. I needed to wait for a moment and get some bunny back massage with those tiny feet before I could continue with my asanas. The cutest thing ever!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

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