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Full steam ahead!!

I love the idea of having 52 stories ready by the end of this year!!

Today I published my first new story in Patreon and invite you to join me with a $5 monthly pledge (If you are from Europe 24 % VAT is added to that) for a full year of Mira(cle)Stories!

What do you get for Five Dollars a month?

  • A new story every week (or 4/month) which is inspired by my unpublished doodles from A Course in Miracles Workbook studies (which I consider the Father of all self-help literature) or from the doodles I did last year or some other inspiring resources. I will not publish my stories anywhere else, unless some of them will be picked in books later on.
  • A new doodle every week (or 4/month). I will not publish this anywhere else.
  • All my doodles from all over my social media with deeper (or another) texts to go with.
  • A possibility to chat with the community that is building up there on my page.
  • My gratitude for helping me create these stories and doodles!!
  • And you gain access to all the $0-$5 posts that I’ve already published there – not only the ones that I publish while you are with me!

My plan is to create stories and books in Patreon this year and what happens next year remains a pleasant mystery to me – I love to learn as I go!

Click here and become my patron!