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Oops, now I got caught!  LOL! I’m one of those “Pin it all, but never look what you pinned” kinda gals.. And I’m mostly pinning my own stuff so my pinterest board is more like a portfolio to me with more than 1k pins already.

I did the ‪#‎MoneyLove‬ board last year, but I must admit that once the doodles started to pour out of my pen I never looked back. I doodled more than 500 doodles in a year and am now trying to slow the outpour and look back and see what to do with them all! Well, I’m still in love of all the new ones that want to be doodled.. BUT

I love to reflect back to those doodles I drew last year and they do help me forward and make me see how much has happened.

So, I will visit my moneylove board more often this year! And see how much more they can do to me, if I look at them more often!

And probably I pin some more there too and make it my online wealth and prosperity corner!

Join Kate Northrup’s Money Love Challenge!