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Today’s challenge was about paying attention to the words we use around money.

I love this one! In the morning before I opened the #MoneyLoveChallenge email I wrote in my journal that I’m so proud of myself for deciding to go for it and not wait for money to come before I can go for my big dream anymore! There used to be so much beating myself up for not knowing how to write funding applications and not getting any money from my artistic endeavours.

One day I just begun. I booked a volunteer visit to schools and day care centers each month and I just came from my February visit filled with love and inspiration and a new coloring picture for kids coming up as they requested. My whole spring is booked for those volunteer visits and they are just pure joy!

I also found Patreon and some other websites (You’ll hear about them later!) where people can support my work and I have ambitious plans for this year to spend it with the stories that are and have been bubbling inside of me for a long time.

I’m living the saying “Start before you are ready” true!!
And I love every minute of it!

I trust that my every step is supported and I can keep on sharing and exploring this wonderful stream of uplifting pictures that pour out of my pen and change the world! And the money will come – naturally!

I am so very grateful for everyone who supports me – Thank you so much!!

Join Kate Northrup’s Money Love Challenge!