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The Wealth Chef Ann Wilsons’ 30-day Money Makeover continues with the teachings of the money language.

Day 11

On the day 11 Ann Wilson clarified what’s an asset in simple and empowering way. And this is my version of how I understood it.


Day 12

Day 12 was about liabilities and here this lizzard is maybe a representation of all the egos together.. The money system could be ran by hearts too I think. A liability is only pumping money out of your life, out of the picture.


Day 13

Now it starts to get interesting and also a little harder for one like me, who haven’t really learnt this language before and now tries to study hard. Maybe these symbols will work out, maybe they won’t, but I’ll try!! See the symbols from the day 9 doodle. If it is all about adding something into our lives like it is if we think of our finances as cooking, then our expenses are dissolving what we earn.


Our expenses dissolve the income but our assets and liabilities stick in the pot, because they are more static.


And here’s another version of the wealth feast.. With the shrinking networth version:


Day 14

When you think about our income and expenses as fluids, as a flow.. Then bottles can symbolize them in this day 14 doodle. And they all get emptied each month. There is only so much income and so much expenses each month.


Day 15

Tracking down all my assets and liabilities really felt like a big hide and seek game! That sneaky money has been hiding here and there and mostly because it has felt awkward and complicated to start looking for it. It’s time to simplify and get clear on this one and own those yellow and orange ingredients of my cookings!


And yes.. I got it after awile.. They do exist in the pot already. That’s where you should be looking for them when you create your Net Worth Tracker.



Ann Wilson The Wealth Chef of course explains these in more detail and is awesome at it. Join her Money Makeover and experience it yourself and let these doodles help you like they help me!