Creates Illustrations & Books
Uplifting Authenticity
Written & Illustrated by elinap
Okay, this is going to be a little longer story than usually..
It all started with listening to the records that I always record while walking in the nature. I get a flood of ideas then and also any solutions that I ask for are easily obtained. (Drawing and journaling does the trick too.)
I felt so uplifted when I listened to my voice repeating to me the insights of the latest week. I love to listen how it all begins with a question and little by little the solution starts to form. From confusion to clarity in just a minute and a half!
I realized that I love to be with myself, because my self-talk is quite positive in this creative mood. (It can of course also be quite heavy inside my head if I don’t seek for answers and a way to get it out creatively)
So I doodled these feelings down.. Me with myself versus me with others.

I realized how contradictionary I sometimes feel about myself in the company of others. I have experienced that sharing struggles is a very fast way to get empathy, but sharing my art feels so much better! All the struggles melt away when I see the spark in Mira’s eyes!
My relationship to struggles has shifted as I’ve been spending more and more time with Mira(cle)Doodleing, which I consider time spent with love. It’s time to say goodbye to this old belief that struggles sell and authenticity equals sharing your struggles. It no longer serves me! (And this insight was only revealed now in this doodle for me, this belief rose to the surface and now I feel funny about sharing it with you, but this is a representation of how my doodleing process works, so I let it be.. My doodles expire as I draw – That’s how they serve their purpose to me!)
Next I started to ponder what then is what I love about sharing my art.. After all I’ve been sharing it only for a couple of years, but been filling up my drawers and journals with it for ages.
And this doodle came through:

Thank YOU for being here with me!
And now this all added up in wondering what is authenticity then.. Well, I found two different ways of being authentic as it seems its perspective evolves and changes as we evolve and change. The old way of being authentic doesn’t serve me anymore. Time to update the habits (and stay more awake!)

In the end authenticity sums up into accepting where we are NOW, where ever that is. And expressing our truth from that point and we’ll never be alone anymore.

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.
Enjoy more doodles at Patreon

You are a master storyteller, Elina. How cool is it, as I read your story, to see the evolution that happens through your thoughts and your pen. The realizations and insights mirrors what I go through. What I can’t put into words, you do. Though are paths are different, they are similar. Thank you .
Thank you, Judy! <3 It was so funny to see how this story begun to develop and then as parts of it expired, I couldn't tell the rest without telling where it started too.. 😀