Creates Illustrations & Books
Colors as Our Guides: RED
Written & Illustrated by elinap

In 2018 I’ll explore daily doodling with different hues of ink on paper.
In April it was time to use red ink.
Here’s what happened…
This tone of red is the most used color in Mira(cle)Doodles at all times.
It’s the color of Mira’s dress and the color that grounds me as I color it time after time.
I also knew its reference to chakras as the color of the root chakra and it has brought me a message for grounding myself from the beginning of my doodling.
But I held no expectations for it when I began doodling on April 1st.
Only that I did…
Because now that the month has passed I’m surprised that I felt so puzzled by the results.
Many of my core fears have surfaced and it took some time for me to really get aware of what was happening. I actually fell in a slight depression because of them at first – I love that this reflection at the end of each month it brings such clarity into this journey. It opened my eyes and I realized that the things I’ve been going through this month have tested my basic survival needs and wants, the first chakra is all about tribal power and that’s where I plunged – Deep into the shadowside of tribal power.
This journey is going deeper and deeper. And even though I feel like I am repeating myself and have said this already in January, but this doodling journey is changing my life in many ways.
In April I faced the deep loneliness, the not belongingness I often feel. The need to understand this life and everything, but feeling like it’s more of a mystery the more I try to figure it out – Answers slipping away from me as the journey goes deeper and deeper into the past and shadows.
Externally my life has changed with my style and looks: I’ve cut my hair and redone my wardrobe with a new minimalistic style.
Internally I have felt like my boat has lost direction, even though I may not have had a shore in sight even before. At some times I felt like Caroline Myss describes in her book The Anatomy of Spirit about the challenges of the first chakra… I’m “stuck between two worlds: the old world that I need to release and the new world that I’m afraid to enter.”
When life shakes us to the core the one thing that we can become aware of is what we do not want to feel like. This gives us answers (the answer is found by asking what would you like to feel instead?) and direction.
With studying more about first chakra wisdom I’ve now noticed that this month brought me healing to exactly that area of my life. The healing occurred in small miracles, with recognizing my needs and expressing them to my tribe and seeing that I’m not alone but deeply loved. I belong. I begin to know where I stand – Where my boat is at the sea.
This is such an interesting doodling journey to go through – I guess there’s no other way I’d like it – I want to go deep and dive all in!
It think it’s more likely a submarine..
Before I start dipping my paintbrush in orange ink though (and the healing for second chakra) I will still doodle some more with red. I will illustrate stuff about first chakra and see how it’ll be explained by Mira, her heart & co.

What’s Up With Red?
Red is the color of Mira’s dress. It’s also the color of root chakra and a color that grounds us.
The first chakra is all about tribal power. It’s about acknowledging and respecting where we come from (with gratitude for the lessons) and where we stand. In its core it’s about being one and “becoming conscious of our power and how to use that power.
(Quote from The Anatomy of Spirit by Caroline Myss)
How do you feel about red in general?
Are you ready to stand up for yourself and in your power?
Try adding more red in your life & the challenge is accepted!
I’d love to hear from you – Comment below
and let’s share our journey!
In May I’ll be doodling with orange!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations. Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.
Enjoy more doodles at Patreon