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Daily Doodling – Wondering What…?


Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Daily Doodling – Wondering What…?

When you get soaked up in so much of new information
Which shows where you need to sharpen up and take action..

This is the feeling…

A bit overwhelmed..

Just wondering where to start..
Or whether to start at all.

My comfort zone is so nice & comfortable.
This could mean my life would change.

Am I really ready?

Yeah, whispers my heart.

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Year 2018 is about doodling daily again – With ink this time. For each month I’ve chosen a different color.

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon