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Calm Your Mind


This is part III of FINDING INNER PEACE doodle story.

I started a 40-day drawing challenge inspired by lent.
Just to connect and chat with Love at a time when the world feels scary.
I’ll update new doodles here almost daily.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 18 – 20.3.2022

“First, let’s stop feeding the monkeys with news,” prompts my heart.

I understood that it does me no good to be plugged into the news and social media 24/7. I set up some boundaries and it immediately made me relax some more.

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 19 – 21.3.2022

“Now… Pause, and come back to now,” my heart whispers.

And I try…

I do my best to be still & meditate.

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 20 – 22.3.2022

But it’s HARD to be still! These monkeys of mine are impossible!

“But that’s okay! It’s the in-between-thoughts moments that you are looking for. See, there’s one!” My heart points.

Ahh, that’s helpful! I can see they grow longer with every breath!

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 21 – 23.3.2022

“Let’s try something else, to break the patterns your mind is used to,” my heart proposes, “pay loving attention to your monkeys – harness your amazing, vast imagination for Love.”

Ooh, the monkeys instantly calm down. “But don’t get caught up in this, those breaks between thoughts are still what you want to focus on,” she reminds.

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 22 – 24.3.2022

What else could I do with my imagination to relax? “How about visualizing a happy place in your mind?” my heart suggests.

Swoosh, it’s a warm summer day, I’m laying down, feeling the gentle summer breeze caress my cheeks. Mmm, I could stay here for a moment or two more!

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 23 – 25.3.2022

Okay, my mind is much more relaxed, thank you! But… I feel like pausing is much easier now, however…

“I’ve got a couple of treats up in my sleeves yet…,” my heart says, seeing my resistance and winks an eye.

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 24 – 26.3.2022

“Look up to the stars,” suggests my heart. Oh, indeed, the vastness of sky and infinity of space expands my mind more and more.

How amazingly beautiful, I cannot but sigh. This is relaxing too!

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 25 – 27.3.2022

“Now, let’s take a step back,” asks my heart, “and let’s look at the bigger picture.”

This situation is indeed my best teacher for coming back to now, back to Love, and stepping above the mundane.

This too shall pass. I know that now.

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 26 – 28.3.2022

I feel so expanded! There seems to be so many ways for finding peace. And that must mean there’s a way for everyone, everyone has their own unique way to find their peace!

Dear reader, which steps have you taken toward finding your peace?

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

Day 27 – 29.3.2022

Ooh, but what is THIS? It feels like a storm is rising, and I’m sad. I’m filled with emotion! It’s out of control!

What can I do?

My heart stands steady, knowing there’s a solution for this one too. It’s time to take her hand and to really listen to her.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

What is your favorite way to calm your mind?

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon