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It was exactly one year ago that this powerful little coloring workbook was published!


Color Your Dreams True & Learn to Trust the Process teaches you in ten steps to overcome overwhelm about your dream. It is the path that I took.. And that I heard afterwards fits Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilities theory perfectly too! I loved to hear that, because that is how I felt – This process opened me up to infinite possibilities and ready to take action!

I used to feel really overwhelmed. I had a dream and I was exhausted about taking action. I didn’t like the masculine take on life that points out that we need to reverse engineer our dreams, see the outcome and go backwards from there, and see the steps and oh wow, all that just exhausted me totally. I couldn’t take any of those steps. I didn’t even want to Think about them.

Then I just started doing things that I thought I would be doing when I was my dream person. I committed in doing just one thing a day and not to worry about any steps or goalsetting or anything. I knew I wanted to be happy already not only when I get there. I wanted to enjoy the journey!

So I continued. Stayed committed to that one daily task and continued following my heart. She’s wise – Just like yours.

And it all worked out! Wow!

When I looked back I realized there were ten steps actually that I had taken that all helped me allow my dream come true in a gentle, loving way.

These ten steps aren’t hard to take and they are more about connecting to the flow of life than something you’d need to do about your dream. These steps help you to reach that place where you are ready to take action.

That happened to me. This year after the book has been published has been about taking concrete steps in many areas of my life and I’ve taken them happily, effortlessly and trusting my heart. I’m on the right path, because I’m on my path.

Color Your Dreams True - Elina Puohiniemi