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Greetings from London – Infinite Possibilities


I participated in Project Positive Change‘s event in London last weekend and am now doodling through the notes.
These doodles are from our Infinite Possibilities Workshop day.



The moment we realize how powerful we truly are changes everything.



We are going to think something  anyway so why not train our brain to
think thoughts that serve us and take us forward, toward our dreams?



The beautiful flow of life that the Universe wants us to experience gets so easily blocked.
Let’s take consious action to allow it to flow once again!



For one week now these words from Karin have been echoing in my mind.
And they are wonderfully helpful when the emotions start coming.
No more room in this hotel for them for many nights!



The whole weekend was just like a big loving hug for all of us!
And especially Ann Carver showed us how to do it.



And yep, I think this was the take away from my performance.
I was nervous and looked at my notes when Leigh told me “It’s okay!”
instantly a voice came out from my mouth saying “I know”.

That surprised me and I realized it was the truth. So I clinged to it and continued my speech.

Someday I’ll be a great speaker. This was a great beginning!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon