My new book Through the Thought Clouds now available for pre-order

Remember these doodles I did last spring when I felt I was making my iceberg (Only 20 % of an iceberg is visible – 80 % of it is hidden under the surface) more visible?


I had a strong feeling of not letting those hidden strengths hide anymore inside me..


It begun a journey of doodling and hosting my online community. Little did I know what it would really feel, when you put your lights on fully and let them shine!


Tomorrow is a big day for me – I’m launching a plan for this year that makes it possible to really let my skills come to the surface!

Concentrating all my energy to create a new launch has been a rollercoaster ride for me!

It has been soooo exciting, something I really, really want to do, but..


..also it has made those underlying, deeply rooted beliefs, the monsters that lurk in the bottom of that sea, become curious.

They have showed themselves and I have had the opportunity to greet them and tell them that I will go on – even though they are there.

My un-comfort zone has become more comfortable and those monsters have turned into butterflies which stay in my tummy now. Yikes, I let them lead!


Now I have everything just about ready for tomorrow and I will rest. Phew!

See you again tomorrow and you’ll hear what this is all about!