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Celebrating My ACIM Anniversary!


Six years ago on this day I started studying A Course in Miracles Workbook for the first time. March 20th is the International Day of Happiness, so I thought it was the best day to begin my studies for learning to choose love over fear and be happy.

Haha, but it was hard! I read the lessons and was puzzled by the terms and all. So it happened that nine days later my doodle character Mira popped out of my pen to help me! She lit up the way, and made me see how the obscure concepts can be viewed with love. She never fails to make my day.

Just out of curiosity I looked for the first doodles from each time I have studied ACIM Workbook. You can see all three in the photo below!

Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

In 2014 My Doodle Character Was Born

In the first one at the top, Mira appeared as a stick figure woman. Her fists are clenched tight – She’s angry (And those lightnings around her symbolize her attack thoughts). Her heart is also asleep and thus the zzz’s on her dress. But you can also see the happy version of her that shines brightly. Her heart is now wide awake and can be spotted there on her dress too. You can read my old blog post where I show this doodle as whole here. The first time I doodled through the workbook, Mira helped me see how fear and love play out in the world. And how there’s a way to look at things differently.

During my first year of studying I heard that many people begin studying the Course on January 1st, so I thought that next time I want to do that too. But I held back for a cuople of years, until the pull was strong enough that I couldn’t resist anymore…

In 2019 Mira was Astonished

Last year I studied the workbook through the second time. Mira popped out of my pen on Day 3 with a clear mind, empty hands and her heart open to receiving (See the doodle on the right side of the photo). In many of the doodles she appeared a bit astonished, and curious, ready to find out where “this” would lead her (whatever that “this” was at the time).

And Now…

This year on Day 1 I wanted to commit into doodling daily for the year. Although I had studied daily, my doodles were more undisciplined. So I decided to choose a quote or an idea each day from the Workbook and see what comes up, or rather what Mira chooses to show me.

She still frowns once in a while in the doodles, but altogether she is much happier. She doesn’t need to play out the contradictionary world to me so much anymore.

And I’m loving the way that these daily doodles turn out as they are now illustrating the lessons. In the Day 1 doodle, Mira shows me how there’s truly nothing to fear, because even the shadows mean nothing.

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon