I started blogging and had my first website created ten years ago!
This series is a sneak peek back into those days (and illustrations).

It was in November 2015 when I decided to send out my first monthly email sealing it with love and committing to stay consistent. After having gained my confidence with any 21-day challenge, I was sure that I could do this one too. And I have never missed one email!

One of the first newsletters later on turned into a whole online course called “Wrap Up the Year & Find the Gifts”

I’ve used Mailchimp to send out my newsletter and in 2017 I enjoyed playing with the paper dolls they gave away. Mira liked them too, very much!

Each month for a couple of years I sent out a coloring picture with coaching questions to inspire you to for example add new daily habits in your life or find ways to follow joy.

With some of the coloring pictures you could also get over fear, let go of the thoughts that no longer served you and find out what you’d want to feel instead.

With each elinap update there always comes a doodle, news on what’s going on with Mira(cle)Doodles and greetings from behind the scenes too.
For a year or so at one point I also posted my newsletters once a week, but then had to return back to sending them out only once a month.

Now for the past year I have offered a sneak peek into my doodle notebooks as unlisted videos where I show how and what I’ve doodled this year while studying A Course in Miracles Workbook through for the third time.
And now I’m considering my plans for 2021!
What should I include in
the monthly updates now?
That is the question…
OR this:
Would you like to receive a weekly note from Mira instead of a monthly one?
Let me know in the comments or send me a message.
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