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Rest & Dream


The Four Phases of Creativity

This is where creativity starts

Let’s embrace nature as our teacher and the Moon and seasons as our guides when we want to make our dreams come true…

It’s New Moon today,
which means it’s great time to rest and dream.

What do you want to add more of into your life?

More Love, Peace, Calm?

More Creativity and Joy?

“Making your dreams come true starts with a vision or an idea that turns into a project with your help. At its best, it’s like planting a seed, nurturing it and watching it grow until it bears fruit. Before you know it, you get to pick the fruit and enjoy it!”

My new book The Four Phases of Creativity starts with these words. And these questions are what the process of making your dreams come true starts too!

The Four Phases of Creativity
is NOW available at
my new elinap online shop!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon