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Show up For Your Dream


The Four Phases of Creativity

It’s full moon!

“When the Sun lights up the moon, it’s easy to see the bigger picture. Do the same and shine light on your dream to see where it’s at right now and what it needs.

If you are now at full speed, showing up here and there and everywhere you may be at risk of burning yourself out.

Forcing your dream to bloom seldom works.

Instead, let it bloom effortlessly, in its natural time, and look for ways to nurture yourself and take it easy.”

In The Four Phases of Creativity I share ways to choose your dream and stay focused through possible struggles that may come your way while you are on a journey of making your dreams come true.

The Four Phases of Creativity
is available for limited time
at elinap shop

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

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