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Glimpses of Life…


Mira(cle)Doodles were born while I studied A Course in Miracles Workbook for the first time in 2014 and thus, they may illustrate ACIM ideas.

Coloring pictures for Kummit ry

BUT (and that’s a huge BUT), they are illustrations from my spiritual journey, and I’m by no means an enlightened being, just a human. So, they are probably not always perfectly aligned with ACIM principles. BUT always are they true in a sense that they have felt true for me on my journey. They have offered an important lesson or insight for me.

They are glimpses of life, sneak peeks into a life that yearns to evolve into a more and more loving one—but which fails to do so ever so often. Mira gets caught up in the swirls of the ego’s demands and forgets to listen to the whispers from her heart.

Coloring pictures for Kummit ry

The little heart in these doodles represents everything that comes from Love—I’ve loved to simplify it into this one symbol. According to ACIM the ego is an illusion, and Love isn’t even aware of it and its makings, because why should She?

Most of the times Mira’s heart represents the Holy Spirit, which is the bridge between Love and who we are now. She understands that we are enchanted by the ego, but she also knows there’s more to life than that.

So, she gently guides us towards a happier way of being. And as we keep on choosing her guidance, life gets way lighter and easier! That’s what has happened to me, and that’s what I’ve heard from people who have followed Mira’s journey for a while.

Now you have a chance to experience Mira’s vibes in between covers—The first collection of Mira(cle)Doodles will be published on October 10th!

You can now pre-order
MIRA – Glimpses of Life & Whispers from the Heart
from elinap shop

The doodles in MIRA were drawn daily in October 2018 & 2019, inspired by the one-word prompts of Jake Parker’s INKTOBER challenge.

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon