by elinap | Jan 16, 2018 | News
It all started with A Course in Miracles I studied the workbook by journaling it and on the pages of my journal appeared a little bald stickwoman to help me comprehend the lessons. I found it easier to understand the dualistic world with the help of these figures. On...
by elinap | Feb 26, 2017 | Mira(cle)Doodles Blog
Translation “Dream and you find a direction, Speak and you’ll form a path, Move and the path unfolds before you.” Inspired originally by Mike Dooley – Published in Meidän Suomi -magazine
by elinap | Jan 1, 2017 | Mira(cle)Doodles Blog, Yleinen
Happy New Year to You! It is time to move on and start looking forward, but let’s still have my dearest highlights of 2016 available here from Mira(cle)Doodles and elinap. Meidän Suomi -lehti (Our Finland Magazine) Mira(cle)Doodles has been featured in Meidän...
by elinap | Dec 9, 2016 | Mira(cle)Doodles Blog, Yleinen
TRANSLATION “Look back and give thanks, Look forward and trust, Look around and love.” – unknown – Julkaistu Meidän Suomi -lehdessä 5/2016
by elinap | Dec 9, 2016 | Mira(cle)Doodles Blog, Yleinen
TRANSLATION Pronoia – the Opposite of Paranoia What if… Life is conspiring… To help us? Julkaistu Meidän Suomi -lehdessä 4/2016