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Start. Then Continue.


Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

If you have followed along for years, you may remember that I seek to find a power animal for myself each year around New Year’s. It’s fascinating to have something like that to guide me through my days.

This year my spirit animal for 2020 appeared on a shadow on the wall when I explored the mysterious shapes of the melted tin (that’s an old year-end tradition here in Finland – I wrote about it in this article.)

Then in January I participated on Illustrator Kati Vuorento’s character drawing courses where we enjoyed drawing a character of our choice for a couple hours a week. A little booklet was again printed of all of the characters we had played with at the end of the course.

My power animal for 2020 is a Fishbird! That’s what I saw in my melted tin. His message was clear,

Just START and then CONTINUE.

I created a little booklet of his message and thought I’ll post a couple of reminders that come from him all through the year for my patrons who want to make their dreams come true this year (I love the possibility to schedule posts ahead and then be surprised by them myself when they hit my inbox too).

“Quitting is not an option this year!” says the Fishbird.
Let’s just begin and take the first step.

If you wish to read the whole story in English,
I’ll include it in my elinap update next weekend!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon