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MIRA is Here!


MIRA - Glimpses of Life & Whispers from the Heart

Whoop whoop! MIRA is here!

Still all wrapped up in plastic, fresh from print.
I’ll be unwrapping and signing these in the upcoming weeks when they are sold to new homes. The publication date is on October 10th.

It has been such an interesting journey to learn all about self-publishing!

The biggest lesson has maybe been to accept how long it takes. Nothing happens as quickly as you’d like. They say that the journey from an idea to a published book with a traditional publisher takes about two years… At first self-publishing only one illustrated book every year felt really slow, but now I’m starting to lean into giving the process even more time and spaciousness in the future. Although I’m starting to LOVE the idea of having one book out every fall! Maybe that spaciousness comes from knowing the steps now, being prepared…

MIRA – Glimpses of Life & Whispers from the Heart is a collection of Mira(cle)Doodles, which are illustrations from the spiritual path, bite-sized visual wisdom for seekers of Love & inner peace, connecting you with the Love that you are ❤

You can now pre-order MIRA from elinap shop!

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon