Yay, now—finally—the first ever
collection of Mira(cle)Doodles is
available for pre-order!
This is a whole 120-page book filled with delightful doodles!
Jessica said it made her feel happy and optimistic, and another reader, even though noticed this wasn’t her typical sort of book to read, told me how it made her feel like she wasn’t alone with what she had been going through.
Mira does like to hold our hand through life’s hardships.
Always encouraging us to keep following our heart!

You can now pre-order the book from elinap shop and receive this lovely bookmark reminder with the book, as well as two Doodle Story PDFs.
(Bonuses only available with orders from elinap shop)
I have already ordered some books from the print so that I can start shipping on the publishing date, October 10th,2022.
I’ll order more books from the printer when needed – Shipping will happen within 2-3 weeks from the publication date if that’s the case.