My new book Through the Thought Clouds now available for pre-order

How to Unjuggle Yourself From Your Ego’s Hands

How to Unjuggle Yourself From Your Ego’s Hands

We all have an ego that wants to save us from harm, Keep us alive. Even when our life is mostly quite safe nowadays, We build up stress for ourselves anyway. And when we are stressed out, IF we look around and really see what’s happening… We can notice our...
Don’t Be Wiped Out By Your Drama

Don’t Be Wiped Out By Your Drama

Reach out for help! When the drama hurricane gets to go on in your life for some time it gets harder to see it happening anymore. You get used to it. It becomes your new “normal”. So reach out sooner rather than...
Drowning in Tears

Drowning in Tears

Drowning in Tears I fell off the daily doodling ritual after our whole family got sick with the influenza and I got the fever too. As if healing from the fever wasn’t enough, I also got a bit depressed. And cried for all kinds of reasons. Everywhere too. It was...
Daily Doodling – My Pen Lights Up My Path!

Daily Doodling – My Pen Lights Up My Path!

Year 2018 is about doodling daily again – With ink this time. For each month I’ve chosen a different color. This is fun! Daily Doodling – My Pen Lights Up My Path! It’s like a magic wand! When the shadow shows up, just swish! And it’s pierced. A...