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A Little Exploration of Comfort Zone


Mira(cle)Doodles by elinap

In March Mira & I explored


Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

at Patreon

Here are all the posts in a nutshell so it’s easy to find them whenever you want a reminder of the magic that is available outside your comfort zone.

  • The month started with a loving approach to Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone with the monthly doodle.
  • The monthly Doodle Story then dived deeper into the exploration of what happens when you Step Out of the Comfort Zone, and how to do it too.
  • And then day after that, out came a doodling/coloring exercise which helps to Take the Steps One at a Time and implementing the change into your own life.
  • Then yet on the last Monday of the month I shared a sneak peek behind the scenes and what’s been going on with my art for all the tiers… This month I concentrated on creating my spring coloring pictures for children and included an Easter coloring picture for you to download and color too! And the sneak peek happened to be posted on Mira’s SEVENTH birthday too! Seven years already! Wow!

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In April it’s time to get aligned with nature so we’ll dive into: CYCLICAL LIVING for a month. I’ll invite the Moon to entertain you with Mira this time!

Let’s find out Mira’s joyful approach already tomorrow with the monthly doodle!

The Monthly Themes in 2021

Shadow Work         Self-Kindness          The Uncomfort Zone

Cyclical Living          Creativity          Rest

Dream         Dare to Shine         Ask for Help

Daily Practice (in October)

Abundance vs Scarcity (in November)

Artist, Illustrator, Author & Life Coach. Turning struggles into loving laughter with her illustrations.
Creator of Mira(cle)Doodles.

Enjoy more doodles at Patreon