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Creates Illustrations & Books

12 gifts of 2015 – Welcome Love In

The Eleventh Gift – Welcome Love In Your Body The most of November I lied down in my sickbed with a bad cold. The gift what I found there lying under my blanket was a beautiful castle for love to live in. I remembered an exercise I heard long ago – many,...

12 Gifts of 2015 – Enjoy The Journey

The Ninth Gift – Enjoy The Journey In September we did another big leap of faith as a family. We wanted to see the autumn colors in Lapland. So we packed our car and filled it with cheap canned food. We had our tent ready and left for a one week journey! And we...

12 Gifts of 2015 – Curiosity

The Eighth Gift – Let Curiosity Lead Beautiful the gift which last August gave me. Today I understood it even deeper. Curiosity is what leads me away from the awe, gratitude and all that bliss that I sometimes find. I can see that it is our True nature –...