
Wrapping up 2024
In 2024, I showed up on Patreon and had a year long break from social media. Here’s a little overview on the spiritual side of the journey…

Happy Solstice & Cozy Christmas!

A Podcast Visit – In Kinship
I visited Tina’s In Kinship podcast last week and it was truly delightful! Here are my favorite moments.
You can listen to the podcast on your favorite podcast app or watch it on You Tube…

Cherishing the Journey
Today is the publication date of Through the Thought Clouds and I wanted to cherish its creative journey with you.
I view my creative projects as if they were plants, so let’s look at my most recent book journey as if it grew from a seed (a dream), to sprout, then a sapling, full-grown plant, and beyond…

Download a Free Coloring Page
Relax your mind with coloring and hear your heart’s whispers more easily. I’m excited to introduce this free download to you—I turned page 99 from my latest book Through the Thought Clouds into a coloring page!

Original Notes vs Now
See how my old original doodle notes look next to the illustrations that are part of my latest book called Through the Thought Clouds.

Through the Thought Clouds is Here!
elinap’s newest book is available for pre-ordering now! It’s a joy-sparking exploration of profound and life-changing ideas from A Course in Miracles with illustrations on every page.

Sandy as a Wooden Puppet
Now Mira no longer feels alone as a puppet, Sandy was just born…

A Doodle Journey in Miracles
Enjoy studying A Course in Miracles Workbook lessons with Mira(cle)Doodles! Mira turns the obscure concepts into whimsy & fun making studying easy with each illustration…

Happy Solstice & Merry Christmas!
It’s time to unwind, turn inward and let the magic of this time of the year nourish us! Here’s what I’ll do on solstice…

Mira as a Wooden Puppet
This year one of my big dreams has come true! I’ve started to learn puppetry and made my first puppet. Here’s Mira, and a lot more is coming…

A Sneak Peek Zine
I created a ZINE sneak peek from my new book MIRA 2 – Astonishing Moments & Turning Points. The zine is available as a download…

Now there are TWO!!
One year ago I celebrated the birth of my first collection of Mira(cle)doodles, and now there are TWO! You can find it in online bookstores…

How the Title Came To Be
Doodle notes on the cover image doodle and a story of how the title “MIRA 2 – Astonishing Moments & Turning Points” came to be…

My Second Doodle Collection Is Here!
MIRA 2 – Astonishing Moments & Turning Points is now available for pre-order as both hardcover and paperback editions! SNEAK PEEK inside!

My New Planner
I’ve designed my own planners since 2021, and this rainbow colored weekly planner page is what will help me stay focused in 2024…

How to Have Your Creativity Flow
This is the story of how THE FOUR PHASES OF CREATIVITY book came to be…

The Daily Balancing Act
It is tiring to try to continuously choose between fear and Love. What if we made the decision and stuck with it?

I’ve got My OWN Font!
I’m so excited to share this with you!!! I have FINALLY created my own FONT from my handwriting…

Handing my Plans to Love
Here’s the PLAN – Let’s hand over our plans and TO DO lists to Love this summer…

See MIra’s smile in the Mirror
Another chance to see Mira’s delightful smile in the mirror!!! I just added a new design on SpreadShirt…

Celebrating Mira!
It was nine years ago today when a grumpy little stick figure girl popped out of my pen and made me laugh, my life wouldn’t be the same without her…

You can Now Pre-order
MIRA – Glimpses of Life & Whispers from the Heart is now available for pre-order at your favorite online book store! The release date is March 20th, yay!

The Three Stages of Surrendering
Here’s my Love note to It’s Not Your Money by Tosha Silver. I loved that book! Reading and going through the process in eight weeks made me relax into…
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